VegaWeb provides a plug and play solution to monitoring Aids to Navigation equipment for both Vega and third-party products. Gone are the needs for a user to have their own computer setup and communication network to operate a monitoring system.
VegaWeb utilises public communication networks and the application software resides on the internet meaning the user interfaces with the monitoring system using a web browser, just like internet banking. By eliminating big set up costs Vega Web is economical even if only one navigation light needs monitored or controlled such as an “on demand” PEL sector light.
VegaWeb can operate on three communication networks. Cellular networks providing GPRS of CDMA service. Or where cellular service is not available satellite communication is provided using the Orbcom satellite system. VegaWeb costs will vary depending on the communication option being used.
There are 2 sizes of outstation modules available with VegaWeb
Please see "Resources" Tab for Product Brochure