Effective 01 February 2019, Carmanah Technologies Inc (Carmanah) has sold it’s Signals Division to SPX Corporation, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
SPX Corporation operates in over 14 countries, has over 5,000 employees with annual revenue in excess of US $1.4 Billion in 2017.
The Signals Division acquired by SPX includes the Sabik Marine brands (Carmanah, ETKA, Sabik, and Vega,) and the Carmanah Obstruction and Aviation products.
SPX Corporation owns Flash Technologies, which makes Aircraft Warning and Obstruction Lighting products. Carmanah and Flash have been working together via a re-seller agreement with respect to each other’s respective Obstruction products for the past couple of years.
Like Carmanah, all Flash Technology’s products are made in the USA.
Now as part of a much larger and better resourced Corporation, we are looking forward to the continued development and update of our product range, but with the same commitment to quality that Carmanah previously built it’s reputation on just as Flash Technologies, and SPX have likewise done.
Once we have more details regarding this acquisition by SPX, we will update accordingly.
If you would like to know more about SPX, see here: www.spx.com
For information on Flash Technology, please see here: https://www.flashtechnology.com/
04 February 2019
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